Office of Judicial Liquidator Rodica Ghiță
Mobile: (+4) 0722.195.998 - Fax: (+4021) 627.07.75

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Lichidator judiciar Rodica Ghita - fotografie
Judicial liquidator Rodica Ghiță


With legal activity for more than 48 years and as a judicial liquidator for 27 years, Ms. Ghiță currently acts as authorized person in the legal form of INDIVIDUAL OFFICE OF JUDICIAL LIQUIDATOR RODICA GHIȚĂ, attested under no. 1B0513 / 2001 by the National Union of Insolvency Practitioners in Romania (U.N.P.I.R.).

The office has in its organizational chart: a liquidator, a definitive lawyer, an accountant (liquidator), auxiliary staff.

Ms. Lawyer is a member of U.N.P.I.R. from 2001
[additional information here - Bucharest section, no. ord. 317].

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