Office of Judicial Liquidator Rodica Ghiță
Mobile: (+4) 0722.195.998

       >> Online Consultation

Lichidator judiciar Rodica Ghita - fotografie
Judicial liquidator Rodica Ghiță

Thank you for your interest in our online assistance service.

The fee for one online consultation is
 50 EUR

Please pay the assistance fee by clicking the button below. Payment is made through PayPal.

Upon the confirmation of the payment, please complete de assistance form below.

Please note that we respond usually within two business days. You will receive our response by email directly to your email address.

We provide assistance in the following services in Romania:

    - Administrative and judicial liquidations

    - Reorganizations

    - Evaluations

    - Intermediated sales

    - Auctions

Other similar services may be provided upon your request.

Assistance Form







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© 2004-2024, Office of Judicial Liquidator Rodica Ghiță.